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App: CopApp ! Calendar Schedule

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Views: 820
Category Productivity
Requires os version:Android1.6 and up
For police officers, very simple Schedule app to view which squads work together and which have days off.The default schedules are based on 3 squads, with repeating schedules of: (1) 5 days on, 2 days off, then 5 days on, 3 days off, or (2) 4 days on, 2 days off.* Supports modifying the schedule to make any type of repeating days (add, remove, move days around to create a rotating schedule)* Supports highlights of individual days (for days off, court dates, etc)* Supports highlight of string in calendar (ie: Highlight text "1" or text "1/2,1/3" in calendar) so now users are able to highlight all days when a particular squad is working* Customize/rearrange the text for the days in the rotation (Allows app to work for any repeating schedule.) Also added some templates that can be modified, and the ability to load them via the internet.
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