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App: My Files - SD Card Manager

  (1687 votes)
Views: 5362
Category Productivity
Requires os version:Android1.6 and up
This application is like file manager.Through this application you can access your SD-card and other your file.That's why i named it My-File.This Application is demo version please give me the feedback about this application. Your feedback helps for upgrading my application and future application.SD Card Manager , File Manger* Multiple selection to operate on more than one files or folders* Search and share files* Custom bookmarks* Compress and extract support for Zip files* Extract support for: Rar, Tar, Tar.gz, Tgz, Tar.bz2, Tbz* Sorting options (per-folder sorting can be enabled from settings)* Cut, copy, paste, delete, rename, move (for both files and folders)* Create and delete folders (directories)* Thumbnail for photos and application Apk files

Key Words: File Manager, File Manager, file manager, file manager, my files, my file,Compress File, Bookmarks the file, Delete file, Copy file Keywords#My files#Myfile#Myfiles#FileManager#File Manager#File Explorer

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