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App: 7s-an Instagram of short clips

  (3889 votes)
Views: 31388
Category Social & Community
Requires os version:Android2.3.3 and up
Supports Android 2.3 and higher.

7 seconds lets you create and share short, beautiful videos on your Android phone.Capture those memorable, precious moments of your life, and tweet your videos or post them on Facebook for your friends, family, and everyone else to see.With 7 seconds app, you can apply a variety of filters to achieve an artistic look or reflect your mood, just the way you do it in Instagram.Just like Vine, Instagram, and Cinemagram, 7 seconds is easy and a lot of fun to use.7 seconds is free. It is truly free. There are no annoying ads, no bandwidth limits.Download 7 seconds now, enjoy, and have fun!(Questions or comments? Let us know by contacting us at )

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