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App: Ghost Detector - Xray Scanner

  (10 votes)
Views: 329
Category Libraries & Demo
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
Ghost Detector analyzes nearby Ghost and shows it in the Xray Scanner. Find ghosts next to you. They want you to know you are not alone.A lot of ghosts around you. You can feel that.This ghost detector can help you to detect Ghost with Xray Scanner, using your phone's camera with AR (augmented reality)!Ghost Detector analyzes nearby Ghost and attempts to detect paranormal activity by using various sensors on the device.It will not show magnetic fields at constant frequencies such as those generated by electronics, for example: TV, routers, computers, chargers, mobile phones, etc.Ghost Detector - Xray Scanner will show a green dot on the Detector in case there is nearby a source of magnetic emission.This application is for fun purposes only.Just freak out some friends and that's it.
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