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App: Love Is..

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Views: 1108
Category Comics
Requires os version:Android2.0 and up
The "Love Is" Collections.

Love Is... is the name of a comic strip created by New Zealand cartoonist Kim Casali (née Grove) in the late 1960s. The strip is syndicated worldwide by Tribune Media Services.The cartoons originated from a series of love notes that Grove drew for her future husband, Roberto Casali. The strip was first published in 1970, under the pen name "Kim", and was syndicated soon after. One of her most famous drawings, "Love Is...being able to say you are sorry", published on February 9, 1972, was marketed internationally for many years in print, on cards and on souvenirs.

tags : love is,love is collections,love is comix,cartoon,love is all you need,love cartoon,love cards

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