Name: francine
Age: 52
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Nokia Lumia 920
My slogan: Show compassion for all living things!
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crazy.gif crazy-293283.gif Cowboy Minion.jpg courtshipd_vbmrc9ds.gif Coral Reef.jpg
Cool Bird.jpg Cookie Monster.jpg colourfull_disaster.jpg Colourfull_Butterfly.jpg Colourful.gif
Colourful gif Colour smoke_.jpg colorful_water_drops-214109.gif colorful_skulls-201206.gif Colorful_Frogs.jpg
colorfulca_2dBuEjqc.jpg Colorful.jpg Colorful.jpg Colorful Stars.jpg Colorful splat.jpg
Colorful smiling faces.jpg Colorful Owl.jpg Colorful Nature.jpg Colorful Mushrooms.jpg colorful leopord.jpg
colorful heart Colorful Flowers.jpg Colorful Eye.jpg colorful dragon.jpg Colorful Bird.jpg

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