Name: francine
Age: 52
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Nokia Lumia 920
My slogan: Show compassion for all living things!
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bigfoot.jpg Big_Balls.jpg bike_skeleton_art-wallpaper-10750510(1).jpg Birds of Angry 2.jpg birds of angry.jpg
Birds.jpg birth_certificate-102660.gif bitch_ddddf1hn.jpg Bite me-.jpg Black an White Dragon.jpg
Black Cat.jpg Black Kitten and Red Heart.jpg Black Knight.jpg Black Rose.jpg Blackberry Storm.jpg
blackred tribal.gif black_butterfly-28.jpg black_pink_floral-117138.jpg Blood Mouse.jpg Bloodline.jpg
blow kisses.gif blue abstract.jpg blue and silver abstract Blue Monster,jpg Blue nature_.jpg
Blue Skull,jpg Blue Skull.jpg blueheart_s282wqp3.jpg blue_butterfly-8.gif blue_heart-2.jpg

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