Name: francine
Age: 52
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Nokia Lumia 920
My slogan: Show compassion for all living things!
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Birds.jpg birds of angry.jpg Birds of Angry 2.jpg bike_skeleton_art-wallpaper-10750510(1).jpg Big_Balls.jpg
bigfoot.jpg Big Cookie Monster.jpg Big Bucks.jpg Big Brother.jpg
betty boop.jpg betty boop winking-jpg betty boop skirts flying.gif betty boop kisses-jpg betty boop globe-gif
betty boop and pup.jpg Bestfrogs.jpg Best Friends.jpg Belly.jpg Bella_Vampire_.jpg
Bella_Twilight.jpg Bella_Lullaby.jpg Bella_Hunting_Breaking_Dawn_by_Kris.jpg Bella_Cullen_Breaking_Dawn_.jpg bella_cullen_breaking_dawn_.gif
Bella_Breaking_Dawn_.jpg Bella_Breaking_Dawn.jpg Bella_And_Renesmee.jpg bella_alice_breaking_dawn_.jpg Bellas_Doubts.jpg

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